Sunday, July 4, 2010

Into the Cloudpeaks

So we started our exploration of northern Amn, in the land at the base of the Cloudpeak Mountains.  I figured that as long as we decided to be out in the wilderness, away from the prying eyes of society, then it would be best to get a far away as we could from Beregost, Baldur's Gate, the whole Sword Coast.  Problems are looking for us up there, but as long as we're in Amn we may luck out and not run into trouble that's over our head.

And for the most part, it didn't.  We explored most of the area south, southwest, and southeast of Nashkel.  We didn't quite get to the Gnoll Stronghold yet...there's no reason for us to get in too deep over that way, especially when the goal of the next few weeks is to just lay low and gain experience.  We raided a few tombs, met a dryad, got some nice loot, and generally did some low-key adventuring...financing the majority of our equipment upgrades with winter wolf pelts that we would sell when we would return to town.

The party came back to Nashkel twice or so to sell goods, restock on ammunition, buy some large shields +1 and platemail, and most importantly, resurrect fallen members.  We are still a low-level group that is going through some growing pains.  Montaron was initially killed by one of the largest herds of gibberlings that I had ever seen.  Khalid also died battling a pack of flinds.  There were some bumps in the road, but we're beginning to look like something you could call adventurers.  In the end, a large majority of the southern areas have been explored and rightful experience has been gained.  My next move is to return to the area surrounding the alternate mine entrance, and see if I can find that group that first attacked me almost two weeks ago.  Now that Idaen is a level 3 cleric, I now have access to Chant, Hold, and Silence.  Xzar also has a Wand of Monster Summoning at his disposal, so that both those things could prove to be a big help, especially coupled with the increased levels of the party:

Idaen, lvl 3 cleric/lvl 2 ranger
Khalid, lvl 3 fighter
Montaron, lvl 2 fighter/lvl 3 thief
Jaheira, lvl 3 fighter/lvl 3 druid
Imoen, lvl 4 thief
Xzar, lvl 3 necromancer

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