With little hesitation, I bring the news of this directly to Duke Eltan, and he suggests I head to Candlekeep immediately. Not a problem! I show up there four months after I had left, and so much has changed if everything stayed exactly the same. And after making the obligatory rounds, I head into the library. I encounter the Iron Throne leaders on level 3. Can't particularly remember their names, but I know Rieltar is there. These men have wanted to kill me from the beginning, and so far my overarching mission now is to protect the Sword Coast by destroying the Iron Throne. So what do I do? I nonchalantly apologize for interrupting them...then send a fireball in, following by Shar-Teel and Ajantis. And you know what? I slaughter them all, without direct provocation and with no regrets.
This gets my arrested as soon as I ascend the stairs to the fouth level. I'm completely indignant to ths whole process. I've been making my own rules for justice traveling the coast, now all of a sudden I'm on trial? Psshhht, I just need to get out of here with no apologies. Thank God Tethtoril comes to rescue us.
We battle through the catacombs, slaying dopplegangers, as well as the likenesses of those who were previously loved. Hmm...seems very similar to a story I heard up north about a dwarf down south. Either way, it was relatively smooth sailing until I hit a powerful contingent of Iron Throne mercenaries in the cavern area. They were so formidable they even managed to kill Ajantis. He is out of the picture for the time being until I head into some temple far away from here.
Eventually I break out and head east away from the coast. My first two nights camping out: plagued by dreams. Apparently it never had to be spelled out for me...the combination of long-dormant memories and the feeling of something terrible awakening inside of me was enough to figure out the truth all my own...I am a child of Bhaal. I will need time to make peace with this new, introspection-driven revelation.
So the return to Baldur's Gate can wait. My final challenge will always be waiting for me. But what I can do to prepare is take on the most dangerous dungeon in the region, increasing my group's skill and strategy to levels we've never seen before...and interestingly, Durlag had a similar plight to one I just had...being forced to murder shapeshifters that appear to be your best friends and family. And after going through I just did to escape from jail, it's probably safer for now to spend time in Amn rather than the shadow of Baldur's Gate, where I'm sure the Flaming Fist is on high alert looking for us. Taking all the factors into consideration, my group's conquering of this tower is the only natural choice right now. From the standpoint of pscyhological progression, this coming adventure will undoubtedly help my PC get in touch with his darker side...a necessary step if we're to be victorious in battles to come.

Once I reach Ulgoth's Beard, I rest up and book a tour for the tower. Let me get the tourist treatment at first...I don't mind. I also talk to the dwarf who wants his magic dagger back, and the woman who lost her son. As long as I'm going there, I might as well fix other people's problems, too.
So down I go. Party members are beginning to become maxed out...looks like the game is indeed wrapping up. Here are the levels:
Idaen, lvl 7 cleric/lvl 7 ranger
Shar-Teel, lvl 6 fighter
Ajantis, lvl 8 paladin
Montaron, lvl 7 fighter/lvl 8 thief
Imoen, lvl 6 thief>lvl 9 mageXzar, lvl 9 necromancer
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